Dev Tidbits
Published on March 11, 2005 By Flyin In Developer Journals

It's been a busy and exciting week for so many reason!

Let's start with bug fixes since we(I) tend to create so many of them!

  1. We had a report that if you post a link within your article that contained a "-" it would break the link! That is now fixed.
  2. People who were posting on the forums who didn't have a Wincustomize personal page could not edit his/her post. That is now fixed.
  3. When Deleting/Hiding/Locking/Sticky-ing a thread, the post would not automatically reflect this when viewed in the forum list. Fixed
  4. When adding/removing a comment from JU Forums, the Replies # would not reflect this change.  Well now if will, but after 5 minutes or so after the sync occurs and the cached article expires.
  5. The NewsItem Query for the mainpage took longer to execute than normal.  Added a flag within the procedure to allow for quicker response time.
  6. Job to update RSS Feeds on JU wasn't working.  Looking at the wrong Database

Features Implemented

  1. Let users change his/her honorific.
  2. Show Download totals at the bottom of the MySkins page
  3. When viewing a post in the JU Forums, if the post is also an article, then it displays a link to his/her blog site.


  1. Did a total of 4 different Tests and uploads to the personal pages for bug fixes and features.
  2. Did 3 different Tests and uploads to the Main WC site for bug fixes and features
  3. Assisted T-man in helping the beast come alive! Transfering data and changing sites to point to the new beast
  4. Did alot of analysis of the personal pages in attempts to make the site much more speedy!
  5. Articles were being cached for 20 minutes, now only for 5 minutes. This change will have to be uploaded next week.
  6. Late Wednesday night, found the bug that was bringing down WC.  Good ole' Arithmatic Overflow!

Some Goals for next week:

  1. Create a system for creating static pages on the fly which the personal page can benefit from tremendously
  2. Implement performance enhancements to the personal pages
  3. Start the process of creating a moderation system on our forums as well as Skin library.
  4. Performance Ehnancements, Performance Ehnancements, Performance Ehnancements, Performance Ehnancements


That's all i can think of right now!

Happy 311 day


on Mar 11, 2005 CCs not being received....
on Mar 11, 2005 CCs not being received....

I second that observation.

Nice work, JR. The honorifics, while probably the least of your tasks, are a big hit.

on Mar 11, 2005
on Mar 11, 2005

My task list for today:

1) go out

2) get drunk

3) Come home feeling good

Ahh, mishion accomplished...

p.s. the cc's would be cool

p.p.s spellcheck enhancements...

on Mar 11, 2005
my task list for the day .....

#1. Wake up.

